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4 Ways To Stay Travel Motivated

For me, keeping myself motivated to travel is all about keeping my passions alive, exploring, learning, and connecting with others who share a love for travel. This way you'll always have the motivation to embark on new adventures. If you are not well connected to a community that travels often you can build connections with others that have similar goals and interest.

Tip #1 - Set Goals 

Start by setting a clear travel goal based on your budget. Many fall into a false narrative that travel is only for wealthy individuals. Once you start researching and planning you will quickly realize this narrative is not true and travel can be inexpensive. Write down your goals or create a vision board to remind yourself of the places you want to explore.

Tip #2 - Research and Plan: Planning your escape or creating a bucket list

We have all the time in the world to scroll down Instagram, no? Instagram has become one of my main travel research platforms. On Instagram, I dive into the experiences of others in a positive way and list the places I see and love. I then start researching those destinations or reading travel blogs about those places. This will not only inspire you but also helps with goal setting. You can also create a Instagram folder and that will become your virtually bucket list.

Tip #3 - Connect with Other Travelers  

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for travel or the passion you are developing. Join travel communities like our community, follow travel social media platforms and don't be shy to ask questions or suggestions on your planned trips. Engaging with others who have similar interests will keep you inspired and motivated.

Tip #4 - Forget about privilege and embrace new experiences and the unknown.

Traveling is not just about visiting new places; it's also an opportunity to learn about different cultures, traditions, and history. I am very privileged to be a U.S. born citizen. My passport automatically gives me a privilege from birth that many do not have. As I immerse myself in travel I will never use my privilege to degrade other or to request things that locals in that community may not have. You must always embrace the unknown, travel will at times test you and take you to the unknown, learning to navigate that creates a true traveler.

Staying motivated to travel is essential for enriching our lives, broadening our perspectives, and creating long lasting memories. Lets remember to keep our wanderlust alive by seeking inspiration, setting goals, and embracing the unknown.

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