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Part 1: Breaking the Chains of Fear: A Journey from Stagnancy to Pursuing Passion

Have you ever wondered why it's often easier to live in fear when you're not where you want to be in life? Answering this question can reveal a lot about your personality and guide you toward necessary changes. Many of us find ourselves living in fear, primarily due to concerns about money and the pursuit of a successful life. Unfortunately, this fear often becomes a constant obstacle that hinders us from reaching our goals. Some people make excuses, blaming lack of time, money, or insufficient knowledge about the necessary steps to achieve their aspirations.

Fear is defined as "a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, or pain, whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid." So, if fear is associated with pain and danger, why do people continue to live in fear, even when their goals don't bring physical or emotional suffering? 

Recently, I watched several documentaries, including one about the Holocaust and the life of Anne Frank. It struck me that this is the true essence of living in fear. These individuals were marginalized, lived in constant fear for their lives, witnessed loved ones vanish without a trace, and felt that their path was leading to nothing but death.

So, why am I writing about fear instead of my next travel adventure? You may have noticed that this blog is not just about where I plan to go but also about how I have managed to pursue my travel goals. My current lifestyle is not only a blessing but also the result of an internal transformation. Like any human, I have fears, and my biggest fear is death. I fear death because it represents an imagined state of fear and pain. Living in fear of death led me to contemplate when and how I would die, whether it would be painful, and if my mother would have to bury me. These thoughts overshadowed my dreams, diverting my focus from my aspirations towards the things around me that might lead to death, rather than embracing life and striving to make my dreams come true, even if only for a day.

I started this blog because I've always had a passion for the internet and the positive impact it can have when used for good. I hadn't started a blog earlier due to the fear of what to write, finding my niche, questioning my writing abilities, and worrying about whether people would understand my blog's purpose or perceive me as just another traveler showing off. This fear didn't cause any physical pain, but it caused me to forget the things I was passionate about. Instead, I pursued my education, earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees, graduated on the Dean's list, and spent over a decade on that path. During this time, I realized that if I could excel in academics, I could excel in anything. I had been living in fear of not fully grasping the concept of blogging, and perhaps I still don't fully understand it, but I asked myself, why should I conform to the norm, and why can't I start and work my way toward my goals? I've achieved goals before, so why not this one? So, I started a blog.

I work a 9-5 job while pursuing my passion for travel part-time. I actively search for entrepreneurial opportunities, all while still living in fear of death. It's not that living in fear is inherently terrible; it's a part of human nature. However, allowing fear to cloud your mind is a choice that only you can control. Why is it easier to live in fear? It's easier because it provides a sense of security regarding money, even if it means staying stagnant. You have food on the table and a roof over your head, and while that's important, you realize that you'll likely have just that for the rest of your life if you don't overcome your fear. You have the means to explore other options, but fear holds you back.

My race, African American, and my culture, Hispaniola, have lived in fear of death for many years. Despite the abundant free resources available today for achieving success, my generation continues to live in fear. Time is free, so why not start by investing your time and effort? If you fail, you learn from it, get back up, and use your time to find another path. Success in any endeavor doesn't come easy, but as you document your journey, whether in your mind, on paper, or in a blog, you'll see that it all began with a simple question: "Why am I living in fear?" Your answer will guide the way.

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